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Purchasing is responsible for acquiring goods and services for the district. The objective is that all materials, supplies, equipment, and services required by the district are acquired in a timely fashion, at the lowest possible cost, in a manner that is consistent with the quality required and in compliance with all applicable procurement legislation for the Illinois School Code (105 ILCS/5). Purchasing seeks to ensure that taxpayers receive the maximum value for each dollar spent.

Purchasing Requirements
Contracts for supplies, materials, services and construction shall be made in accordance with the state law bidding procedure unless specifically exempted. It shall be practiced whenever possible to solicit competitive written quotations for purchases over $2,000 in order to secure the lowest prices and make the best use of district funds.​​​​​​

  • Consolidate duplication of services between departments.
  • Ensure that purchases comply with district policies.
  • Ensure that all purchases promote fair and impartial competition.
  • Oversee the public bidding and proposal process.
  • Perform research to find the maximum benefit for the funds spent.
  • Work with businesses interested in providing goods and/or services to the district.

Margaret Snyder

Procurement Manager
Business Office