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District 86 News and Information

There are a number of resources we use to communicate news about the district, share details about upcoming events and activities, and celebrate the accomplishments of our students and staff. These resources, which you can access via the links below, include weekly update emails, print newsletters, videos and social media. 

If you are interested in receiving the latest news and information from the district, please fill out the form on the right to sign up for updates. Please note that current District 86 students, employees and parents/guardians do not need to fill out this form because they automatically receive these updates.

*Members of the general public who share posts or make comments on the district's social media platforms are required to follow the terms of use that can be accessed below.

Hinsdale Township High School District 86 Social Media Terms of Use

Before posting/commenting on an official D86 social media feed, note the following:

Official District 86 social media feeds are used to share news and information with the community. They also provide members of the public with the opportunity to participate in limited, respectful and relevant dialogue. While we encourage conversation, users who post, comment or send messages via a District 86 social media feed must comply with the expectations below. Individuals who do not meet these expectations may have their posts/comments removed and/or be blocked from the district’s social media feed(s).

Posts/comments/messages must:

  1. Be relevant to District 86 or the school, program, department, class, club, activity or team that operates the social media feed to which you are posting;
  2. Be respectful of the rights of others (blatantly defamatory, racist, sexist, or similar content will be removed);
  3. Use language that is appropriate for the school community (blatant vulgarity will be removed); and
  4. Be submitted by an individual user and not be spam.

Posts/comments/messages must not:

  1. Include unauthorized commercial or political solicitations or advertisements or otherwise promote a product, service or political candidate;
  2. Bully, intimidate, or harass any user, or include content that is abusive, hateful or threatening;
  3. Include content that is obscene, pornographic or sexually explicit;
  4. Advocate for or incite unlawful activity or violence, or contain graphic or gratuitous violence;
  5. Attack specific students or minors;
  6. Use the district’s logos or otherwise include content that makes it look like the individual is speaking on behalf of the district or its board of education; or
  7. Violate the law or District 86 board policy.

Please be aware that you participate at your own risk and assume personal responsibility for your comments, your username and any information provided.

Do not use the district’s social media feeds in place of contacting a teacher or building administrator to discuss individual student matters, or, in the event of an emergency, when 911 or local law enforcement should be contacted directly.

The comments and posts expressed by community members on the district’s social media feeds do not necessarily reflect the opinions and/or position of the District 86 Board of Education or its employees.

If you have any questions, please contact Alex Mayster, the district's executive director of communications, at or 630-570-8086.