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  • Avaz - Communication app that includes Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) tools for teaching parents. 
  • TouchChat - An app that uses Word Power to help students communicate. 
  • Proloquo - An app that uses a layered categorical system to help teach and promote communication. 
Assistive Technology (AT)
  • AAC Language Lab - Online resource that offers real-life solutions in support of language development.
  • AbleNet - A company that makes and sells technology, curriculum, and other resources for AT and those with special needs.
  • QIAT-PS - The Quality Indicators in Assistive Technology - Post Secondary website that features a survey we use to aid transition planning for students with 504s and IEPs. 
  • BookShare - Offers free audiobooks to those with qualifying disabilities. 
  • Learning Ally - Provides human voice read audiobooks for students with a qualifying print disability (e.g., dyslexia, blindness, etc). 
Communication system
  • PECS - Communication picture system that is usually used with younger students who have autism.
Information about Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
  • PrAACtical AAC - Information that is written for therapists and family members of students using AAC.
Language System/Resource
  • LAMP - The Center for AAC and Autism - Language Acquisition through Motor Planning (LAMP) is a therapeutic approach based on neurological and motor learning principles. It is evidence-based for students with autism, uses Minspeak symbols and has its own app.
  • Minspeak - This is a language system that creates pictures for core words (verbs and other abstract concepts). 
Software and/or Devices
  • Don Johnston - Located in Volo, IL, this vendor makes supportive software including Co:Writer and Snap&Read. These are two products that are available to ALL District 86 students with a valid email. Tutorial videos and help are available on their site. 
  • Prentke-Romich (PRC) - A company that develops and sells communication software and devices such as the Accent, with languages using Minspeak. 
  • Saltillo - A company that develops and sells communication software and devices such as the NovaChat series. 
  • Sonocent - Software that will record and support note taking. 
  • TextHelp - Makers of many Google extensions, including Read & Write Gold and Equatio. 
  • Toolkit4Transition - An electronic portfolio that students can create and use to highlight their strengths in using technology to support their education. 
Technology Providers for AT and AAC
  • Adaptivation - A company that makes and sells technology, curriculum, software and switches. 
  • Attainment Company - A company that provides technologies that support communication and AT.
  • Forbes AAC (Part of Forbes Rehab Services) - Alternative option for purchasing AAC devices for students. 
  • Logan Technologies - Company makes low- to mid-tech devices for communication and offers Braille technologies. 
  • RJ Cooper - A company that sells adaptive equipment and will construct items for individualized needs. 
  • Tobii-Dynavox - A communication company dedicated to alternative and augmentative communication. Makers of Compass, Snap&Core and Indi systems.