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Enrollment for Rising Ninth Grade Families

Every year, the middle schools that feed into District 86 provide us with contact information for the families of eighth grade students who are eligible to attend high school at Hinsdale South or Hinsdale Central. By doing so, we are able to work with parents/guardians and the middle schools to help our learners make a smooth transition into the exciting next phase of their academic careers. 

The first step in this transition is to complete the District 86 online enrollment process. Infinite Campus, our student information system, enables families to finish this process in a timely and efficient manner. Registration will open on Monday, Oct. 28. Below you will find information about how to complete and submit the enrollment/registration forms. We have also provided contact information for each high school. The deadline for finishing this process is Friday, November 8.

Thank you very much for your time and attention to this message.

New student enrollment opens on Monday, Oct. 28, and closes on Friday, Nov. 8.

Click the link below when you are ready to register your student please click the button below:  

D86 Online Registration 2025-26

Complete the Infinite Campus Online Enrollment Process

  • Use the following link to view the Online Registration User Guide
  • Questions marked with a red asterisk (*) are required.  
  • To make a change, click on the underlined field or click “< Back” to return to a previous page.  
  • You do not have to enter everything all at one time. If you click the “save and logout” button on the left, you can come back at a later time and enter additional information.

Submit Completed Forms
When you have finished entering your information, click “Submit.” This will send all of the information you have entered to District 86. If you are unable to click this button, please go back and make sure that you have answered all of the required questions.

Complete Enrollment/Registration for Additional Eighth Grade Students 
If you have more than one eighth grade student to enroll for school in District 86, you will need to complete the online enrollment registration process for each of them. We recommend submitting the information for one student at a time versus trying to use different tabs or browsers to register everyone all at once. One benefit of completing the process in this manner is that the system will automatically transfer all parent/guardian information over when you click the “add another student” button.

Please contact our registrars if you have questions or need assistance with the registration process:

Questions? Please contact the registrar for your child's school.

Rena Karesh
Hinsdale Central Registrars
(630) 570-8148 or (630) 570-8271 

Annette Sarocco
Hinsdale South Registrar
(630) 468-4269